A Year Older

Turned fourteen on Twitter.
Blog turned one.
And another year older for me.

Something to be grateful for amidst the pandemic that we are experiencing right now. Saying a huge thanks to all the people who have been part of this milestone as well as those who never forget.

Thank You Lord for all Your blessings!

A Year of Brain Noise

Rowjielogy X Brain Noise Year 2

Today marks the first birthday of my “Rowjielogy X Brain Noise” blog! Happy Birthday! I can’t remember the last time I celebrated a “blog anniversary”, but I am glad that I am having it today.

I’ve been on and off from the blogging world for the past few years. Last year, due to the COVID19 pandemic, I decided to restart my blog and it helped me to release my anxieties due to this pandemic. This blog also, has always been my outlet to express my ideas and thoughts.

I am glad that we still managed to share some stories for the past year even though we still have limited movements outside of our houses due to the pandemic. Hopefully we would be able to share more positive and happy stories this year and that we would be able to explore the world again soon!

Retrospective // 2020

My Top 9 Photos of 2020 According to Instagram

I know it’s late but I still want to share some of the highlights of my year 2020.

  1. Celebrated my birthday on lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  2. Still able to express myself through journaling.
  3. Glad that I am able to have a short stay in Cebu and Bohol before the lockdown.

Well, that summarizes my 2020 if I have to based it on my Instagram pictures. I also suffered from anxieties due to the pandemic. It caused me sleepless nights and there were days when I felt lost. The company where I am currently working for faced one of its biggest challenges ever. We had to bid goodbye to some workmates, as well as to our office, as we need to move to a smaller space.

What kept my sanity are my family, friends (even though we had to meet most of the time first virtually), hobbies, journaling/blogging, and the thought that I still have a lot of things to be grateful for. I don’t know when we will totally be back to normal, but I learned that we just need to see the good in every day.

I would also like to share the artists and songs that were on repeat on my Spotify during the pandemic.


  1. Jason Mraz
  2. Peach Luffe
  3. David Choi
  4. Jake Miller
  5. The Corrs


  1. “Fairytale” by Peach Luffe
  2. “Cozy” by Caragan
  3. “What Are We” by Virginia To Vegas
  4. “Can This Morning Never End” by Davin Kingston
  5. “Breaking” by HIGHST, Arden Cho